Wednesday 29 September 2010

RESEARCH: Psychographics & Demographics of the target audience

Before beginning my music magazine I decided to start off with a bit of research into other music magazine to help me understand what  music magazine should look and be like.
I analysed the magazines, Top of the Pops and NME.

I began by focussing on the target audience and their psychographics and demographics. In my opinion I think that the target audience of this magazine are young 8-14 year old female mainstreamers. I feel that this is so as this magazine using the colours pink and yellow. These are bright and vibrant colours to draw the attention of young kids. Also the colour pink has very feminine connotations. I analysed all the advertisement in this magazine as these would give me an insight into what the reader of this magazine would purchase. The advertisements were mostly make-up tampons and sanitary towels, which are obvioused purchased by females. The features of this magazine include mostly female celebrities giving out advice. This  is because a young female mainstreamer would look up to these celebrities. There also also freebies that come with this article; stickers of a majority of female celebrities and a minority of male celebirities. This minority of  male celebrities are for eyecandy as one of the thing that 8-14 year old girls think mostly about is boys. An example of the kind of music people that read this magazine is:

This magazine obviously has a very different target audience than the previous magazine. I feel that the target audience of this magazine are young males from 16-28 who are interested in rock music. Every feature in this magazine is about a male musician/s. The features include things such as gigg dates unlike 'top of the pops' which is more about gossip etc. this tells me that the readers of this magazine are not mainstreamers and are more alternatives as they care more about the actual music rather than knowing what colour top make you look slimmer.

The advertisements are mostly the latest computer games, which tells me that this magazine is not aimed for men over a specific age, and albums which tells me that the magazine is definately for people who are seriously into the music itself. The prices for the products in the advertisement reached a maxium of around £50. This tells me that the readers of this magazin would have low disposable income.

    target audience
    features - intervies

    Tuesday 21 September 2010


    My name is Jade Igilima and I am a 16 year old student studying AS Media studies at La Swap. I am interested in several different areas in music; I listen to things such as r&b, rock, hip-hop, pop and many, many more. This is a very positive and good thing as it will help me a lot in this coursework. In this coursework I will be analysing two seperate music magazines. An example of my kind of music is:

    I have been given a brief in class. This brief stated that I must create a music magazine consisting of a front cover, a contents page an a two page spread.