Wednesday 8 December 2010

PLANNING: Sketch of Flat Plan

Before starting on my magazine I brainstormed ideas about the genre and purpose of which I wanted my magazine to be and have. Here are two pictures od the brainstorms and initial ideas that I had.

After that I then sketched a flat plan of my magazine


This is a midshot of a girl smiling with her eyes closed and chin laying in her hands. I used bold text and added a logo, heading and other smaller photos. The body language of the girl shows that she is calm and relax. It looks as if she is happy and off in her own world dreaming.

I put an editorial in as it is a common feature to have in a magazine contents page. I wrote in collums when putting in the features of the magazine and page numbers as magazines almost always write in collums. A mid-long shot of a girl holding a microphone and singing, this is appropriate as it is a music magazine

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