Wednesday 3 November 2010

PRELIMINARY: Flat Plan & Electronic media used

There were several different types of media and eletronic devices I used when creating my cover and contents page.

I first used a program called Photoshop on an iMac computer to create things like my masthead, sudheading and other things. It is a very sophisticated program used to edit, create and design things such as photos, drawings, animations and many other things.

I also used a digital camera to take all of the photos on my cover and contents page so that I would have my own original pictures and photos rather than using copyrighted photos or photos from the internet. For the picture on my magazine cover I added special effects from Photoshop to give more of an artsy look and feel to the magazine.

Using a program called iPhoto I was able to transfer my pictures on the digital camera to the computer and save them to the computer inorder to import photos onto my magazine cover.

Before even beginning to start my preliminary task on the computer I made a rough sketch of a flat plan
 of my magazine to help me get started with my magazine.
I began with my front cover of the magazine and used several convention of magazines which I found out about in my research and applied it to my front cover and used a mid-shot image  of someone painting something as this is related to art. I then went on to my contents page and then my double page spread.

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