Tuesday 2 November 2010

RESEARCH: Masthead research

I then began to look into the mastheads of the magazines.

This masthead is aimed at people 15+ interested in rock music. It is not for your average mainstreamer, this is targeted at alternatives. The writing is very bold, big and has very sharp corners. This may suggest that the readers of this magazine are quite bold and sharp people.

In my opinion I think that the masthead of this magazine is targeted at young girls aged between 8 and 14 year of age. The vibrant and bright colour suggests that is it for children and young people. The colour pink especially has connotations of femininity. Also the font of this magazine is very bubbly with rounded egdes. This is to make the masthead seem soft an more girly.

This masthead is very simple. I think that it gives the impression the magazine is quite serious and based on the artists music rather than gossip about what te artist did last weekend with their new girlfriend. This masthead doesn't particularly seem like it is targeted at a specific gender and its age group is quite broad compared to magazines such as Top of the Pops.

The masthead of this magazine changes very regularly and frequently. In different issues the masthead will be different colours, red, blue, yellow etc. Sometimes the masthead will have a shadow, somtimes it won't. Other times it will slightly 3D and alost coming off the page and other times it won't. At times the main image will be behind the masthead and other times it will be infront. I think this may be to show the diversity of magazine and to show the readers that they are not just wasting their money on buying the same thing they bought last week. It makes the reader feel that this weeks issue is full of fresh and new things.

This masthead is a simple black backbground and white  coloured font. This font is slightly distorted and has slashes in it. This probably to give the masthead a sense of movement and to make it seem exciting and different. Slashes make it seems more dangerous and rebellious for its young teenage readers.

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