Thursday 6 January 2011

EVALUATION: Looking back at your preliminary task, of designing the front page of a school magazine, what do you feel you have learnt in the progession from it to the full product ?

Looking at my preliminary task and my actual magazine you can obviously see there is a very significant difference in the quality and quanity of my work. Everything is different.

When doing my font page for my preliminary I thought lighhing alot and even used the rule of thirds when taking this photo to make a nicely balanced photograph thats easy on eyes.
In my image used in my real magazine i coped it alot because i felt it hade excess space and to fit the rule of thirds also but I think that my photo in my actual magazine speaks to my audience more and is more relatable whereas the image in the preliminary task did kind of relate to my audence but was quite boring. I prefer the way the you can see the facial expressions of the girl in the photograph on the right rather than not even being able to see the persons face in the photo on the left.


The mastheads from both magazines are quite simular. I made these mastheads both read but for different reasons. I made the masthead from CRAYON red because I wanted to use the primary colours as it was an arts magazine. However the masthead of PLAY is red because it is a bold, bright and vibrant colour. It stands out and my readers would notice it. Red also reflected the personalities of my readers becausethey probably also be bold, bright, vibrant and out-going people.


When creating the contents page for my arts magazine I wanted it to be wacky and colourful to reflect my readers and what the arts is like, exciting and different. However after looking into magazines more and doing my research into existing magazines and found that it looked more professional and better to layout my conents page neaty as it was more organised and my audience wold be able to read the contents page better and find things in the magazine easily.

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