Thursday 6 January 2011

EVALUATION: What kind of institution might distribute your music magazine and why ?

My magazine will be big and i think that it would be up there with the best of the music magazine industry. I think my magazine should sold in the places where music  mags like Q, Kerrang, Top of the pops and NME are sold. These are places such as:

Small corner shopa and news agents usually sell quite a few magazines and shoud have their own section of magazines. This is most likely where an average PLAY reader would purchase a copy of their magazine as these small stores are very convenient and should be atleast 1 within a 5minute walking distance of your house.

Bigger stores
These are places such as WHSmith which sell very large amounts of a wide range of magazines. This includes music magazines and will also include my magazine.  My readers will also come here, although it is not as close to home as a newsagents, because threy are a well known and trusted chain and if there is a WHSmith or store like this nearby then my reraders will probably buy from here.

Grocery Stores
Food Shoppping places such as Tesco and Morrisons also distribute large numbers of magazines. They have very big magazine sections in their stores. This may also by somewhere whewre my readers may purchase their copies pf PLAY because although my readers are not the people that normally do the food shopping, everyone goes to the grocery store now and again. Also theyare beginning open alot of Sainsbury's locals and Tesco expresses around local areas. They are very convenient store which are smaller version of the big grocery stores. There should be one of these within a 10min walk from your house and these places are also a very likely place where my readers would buy my magazine.

This would be where existing magazine/book websites would publish, advertise and sell my magazine. This wll help me alot because my magazine is aimed at a younger generation and they are most likely to use theinternet alot and purchase things off the internet. This wsill also encourage my readers to subcribe to my magazine which will make me more money.

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