Wednesday 5 January 2011

EVALUATION: Who would be the audience for your music publication ?

My magazine is a urban music magazine. It is a fun, colloquial and relaxed magazine aimed ate people who listen to urban music. For example

  • Hip-hop
  • Rap
  • Garage
  • R&B
  • Dubstep
There will be several types of article found in my music magazine. Play is a music magazine used for surviellance and socialbilty. It is a magazine in which readers will pick up and buy to be informed about urban music and whats going on in the music industry. Things such as:
  • The Charts
  • Music Awards
  • New Brands/Musicians
  • Upcoming Events and Tours in the UK
  • New Albums - Release dates etc.
  • Music reviews
My magazine will also includes other more gossipy type articles but not too gossip as I would want my magazine to be seen as a serious music magazine not a gossip mag. I will also include other things that I think my reader would be interested in and over comment features of a music magazine. For example:
  • Features about artists - music and their lives
  • Freebies and prizes to win
  • Games and fun - quizzes etc.
  • Letters form readers
My reader will most likely be people from the age of 16+ for both a male and female audience. My target audience will also most probably be of lower or middle social economic class and earn quite decent income so I will make the adverts in my magazine appropriate for the income of my target audience. I will have adertisement for either more unisex items or just as such adverts aimed at females and their is for males.
My audience are most likely to listen to music on TV music channels, video player websites, downloads on iPods, phones etc. so these are the product that will be likely be advertised. They would also spend their money not just on music, and the electronical devices to listen to that music, they would spend their money on clothes, shoes and jewellery as they would aspire to be like the people featured in the magazine.

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