Thursday 6 January 2011

EVALUATION: Looking back at your preliminary task, of designing the front page of a school magazine, what do you feel you have learnt in the progession from it to the full product ?

Looking at my preliminary task and my actual magazine you can obviously see there is a very significant difference in the quality and quanity of my work. Everything is different.

When doing my font page for my preliminary I thought lighhing alot and even used the rule of thirds when taking this photo to make a nicely balanced photograph thats easy on eyes.
In my image used in my real magazine i coped it alot because i felt it hade excess space and to fit the rule of thirds also but I think that my photo in my actual magazine speaks to my audience more and is more relatable whereas the image in the preliminary task did kind of relate to my audence but was quite boring. I prefer the way the you can see the facial expressions of the girl in the photograph on the right rather than not even being able to see the persons face in the photo on the left.


The mastheads from both magazines are quite simular. I made these mastheads both read but for different reasons. I made the masthead from CRAYON red because I wanted to use the primary colours as it was an arts magazine. However the masthead of PLAY is red because it is a bold, bright and vibrant colour. It stands out and my readers would notice it. Red also reflected the personalities of my readers becausethey probably also be bold, bright, vibrant and out-going people.


When creating the contents page for my arts magazine I wanted it to be wacky and colourful to reflect my readers and what the arts is like, exciting and different. However after looking into magazines more and doing my research into existing magazines and found that it looked more professional and better to layout my conents page neaty as it was more organised and my audience wold be able to read the contents page better and find things in the magazine easily.

EVALUATION: What kind of institution might distribute your music magazine and why ?

My magazine will be big and i think that it would be up there with the best of the music magazine industry. I think my magazine should sold in the places where music  mags like Q, Kerrang, Top of the pops and NME are sold. These are places such as:

Small corner shopa and news agents usually sell quite a few magazines and shoud have their own section of magazines. This is most likely where an average PLAY reader would purchase a copy of their magazine as these small stores are very convenient and should be atleast 1 within a 5minute walking distance of your house.

Bigger stores
These are places such as WHSmith which sell very large amounts of a wide range of magazines. This includes music magazines and will also include my magazine.  My readers will also come here, although it is not as close to home as a newsagents, because threy are a well known and trusted chain and if there is a WHSmith or store like this nearby then my reraders will probably buy from here.

Grocery Stores
Food Shoppping places such as Tesco and Morrisons also distribute large numbers of magazines. They have very big magazine sections in their stores. This may also by somewhere whewre my readers may purchase their copies pf PLAY because although my readers are not the people that normally do the food shopping, everyone goes to the grocery store now and again. Also theyare beginning open alot of Sainsbury's locals and Tesco expresses around local areas. They are very convenient store which are smaller version of the big grocery stores. There should be one of these within a 10min walk from your house and these places are also a very likely place where my readers would buy my magazine.

This would be where existing magazine/book websites would publish, advertise and sell my magazine. This wll help me alot because my magazine is aimed at a younger generation and they are most likely to use theinternet alot and purchase things off the internet. This wsill also encourage my readers to subcribe to my magazine which will make me more money.

Wednesday 5 January 2011

EVALUATION: Who would be the audience for your music publication ?

My magazine is a urban music magazine. It is a fun, colloquial and relaxed magazine aimed ate people who listen to urban music. For example

  • Hip-hop
  • Rap
  • Garage
  • R&B
  • Dubstep
There will be several types of article found in my music magazine. Play is a music magazine used for surviellance and socialbilty. It is a magazine in which readers will pick up and buy to be informed about urban music and whats going on in the music industry. Things such as:
  • The Charts
  • Music Awards
  • New Brands/Musicians
  • Upcoming Events and Tours in the UK
  • New Albums - Release dates etc.
  • Music reviews
My magazine will also includes other more gossipy type articles but not too gossip as I would want my magazine to be seen as a serious music magazine not a gossip mag. I will also include other things that I think my reader would be interested in and over comment features of a music magazine. For example:
  • Features about artists - music and their lives
  • Freebies and prizes to win
  • Games and fun - quizzes etc.
  • Letters form readers
My reader will most likely be people from the age of 16+ for both a male and female audience. My target audience will also most probably be of lower or middle social economic class and earn quite decent income so I will make the adverts in my magazine appropriate for the income of my target audience. I will have adertisement for either more unisex items or just as such adverts aimed at females and their is for males.
My audience are most likely to listen to music on TV music channels, video player websites, downloads on iPods, phones etc. so these are the product that will be likely be advertised. They would also spend their money not just on music, and the electronical devices to listen to that music, they would spend their money on clothes, shoes and jewellery as they would aspire to be like the people featured in the magazine.

EVALUATION: How did you attract/ address the audience for your music publication ?

To answer this question I would have to first look back to the previous question, Who would be the audience for my magazine?
The mode of address of my magazine is very light, relaxed and slangish language such as 'cop' (meaning to get/purchase). Not too much slang that you can't read it properly but enough to make the magazine looking more colloquial and less like a boring magazine. If there are any words or phrases that you werent able to understand please visit here.
My pictures was a nother things I used to attract my target audience. This picture is of a girl that would be around and about the age of someone who would read this magazine. She in looking up into the light and is relaxed and happy. It is a low-abgle shot so that the readers are not only looking up to her and aspiring to be like but also literally looking up at her

 In this picture I have made the main focus about the woman and her body. I have tried make her look very beautiful, elegant and classy using the lighting so that femle reader will look at her and think "wow". I also wanted the picture to have alot of sex appeal to draw in the male dreaders too. this is why the picture is taken from the back, so that the focus is more on her bum and have had the model wear a short dress and heels to elongate her legs. I did this in a very nice, tasteful, discrete and classy way because everyone knows that sex sells but it is very important not to go overboard. It should be sexy to attract the male audience but classy to make surenot to repell the female audience.

Here I have used artifical light but tried to make it look more natural bymaking the light softer. The light is shining down on her and she is  wearing very smart clothes and is sitting in a very dominate position. This is all done to show that she is a 'boss' and is a very powerful woman in the music industry
I also attract my audience with the colours, fonts and layouts used in my magazine. I talk in more detail about these things when I talk about creating and the process of making the magazine.I also go into more detail about the photographs too.

EVALUATION: In what ways does my music magazine use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of existing music magazines ?

 As the genre that I chose for my music magazine to be was urban I mainly used and developed ideas and conventions of the magazine Vibe as I had already looked into this magazine quite a bit in my Masthead research and this is a very successful and well known urban music magazine. When creating my front cover for my magazine I looked at Vibe magazine for alot of my inspiration and use different features on the front cover of Vibe mags on my own front cover, especially the layout, positioning and font choices. Vibe front covers are very varied and different with every magazine issue. I mainly focussed on this magazine cover. I really liked this one because it had Keyshia Cole on the front who is one of my favourite musicians.

I also chose a 2 colour colour scheme. I liked the read from Vibe so i chose that however decided to use black as the other colour as I felt llike it went well with my photograph and gives my mag more of an urban and street look to it. I made names of artists in big also because it wil capture my reader attention if they see the name of their favourite artists on the front of the mag.

On this particular Vibe front cover the number is written in a huge font, about the size of the masthead. I used this also in my magazine. I also shaped the text around the number as done in Vibe.

EVALUATION: Audience Feedback

I ask a few different people who were the rough age of my target audience about my magazine in order to get some audience feedback and asked them what they thought about elements of my magazine.